since 1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Foltsvagen Golf 4
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Engine
+ 3. Cooling system
+ 4. Fuel system
+ 5. Exhaust system
+ 6. Ventilation and heating system
+ 7. Coupling
+ 8. Transmission
+ 9. Suspension brackets and power shafts
+ 10. Steering
- 11. Wheels and tires
   - 11.1. Instructions on operation of tires with the directed road drawing
      11.1.1. Durability of tires
      11.1.2. Style of driving
      11.1.3. Balancing of wheels
      11.1.4. Wrong corners of installation of wheels
      11.1.5. Indicators of wear of tires
   11.2. Gate check
   11.3. Shift of wheels
   11.4. Disks and tires
   11.5. Spare wheel
   11.6. Replacement of wheels
   11.7. Bolty-sekretki for fastening of wheels
   11.8. Antisliding chains
   11.9. Car raising
+ 12. Brake system
+ 13. Body
+ 14. Electric equipment and electroschemes

11.1. Instructions on operation of tires with the directed road drawing

11.1.1. Durability of tires


At tire installation with the directed road drawing (such tires can be learned on an arrow on боковине tires) it is necessary to provide the necessary direction of rotation of the tire surely. Thanks to it the optimum behavior of the tire concerning hydroplaning, couplings with darling of a shumnost and transfer of traction effort will be provided.

Service life of tires depends generally on the following factors.

Pressure of air in tires

Sizes of nominal pressure of air in summer tires are specified on a sticker on inside of a cover of the hatch of a toplivozalivny mouth.

Maintenance of recommended pressure of air in tires is especially important at movement on high speeds. Therefore it is necessary to check pressure of air in tires at least once a month, and also before each distant trip.

Thus it is worth to remember to measure pressure of air and in a spare wheel.

On an emergency spare wheel of the reduced sizes nominal pressure of air is specified on боковине tires.

In a full-size spare wheel always it is necessary to support nominal pressure for a case of a full load of the car.

Pressure of air in tires should be checked always at cold tires. At an air elevated pressure in warm tires it is not necessary to let the air out from the tire. At considerable change of loading it is necessary to change respectively pressure of air in tires.

On cars with full-size caps of wheels instead of dustproof caps there are extension pieces for ventilation improvement. At check and correction of pressure of air in tires there is no need to unscrew these extension pieces.

Too low or too high pressure of air in tires reduces service life of tires and worsens road performance of the car.


At long movement with high speed in tires with excessively low pressure a lot of work of lateral deformation of tires owing to what tires strongly heat up is made very much. It can lead to a separation of elements of racetracks of the tire and even to a gap it.

Too low pressure of air in tires conducts to the increased fuel consumption. Because of it there is an excessive load of environment.