since 1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Foltsvagen Golf 4
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Engine
+ 3. Cooling system
+ 4. Fuel system
+ 5. Exhaust system
+ 6. Ventilation and heating system
+ 7. Coupling
+ 8. Transmission
- 9. Suspension brackets and power shafts
   - 9.1. Forward suspension bracket
      + 9.1.1. Amortization rack
      + 9.1.2. Shock-absorber and spring
      9.1.3. Removal and installation of a power shaft
      9.1.4. Replacement of protective covers of a power shaft
      9.1.5. Assembly provision of tarelchaty springs
      9.1.6. CV JOINT filling with VW-G000603 greasing
      9.1.7. Filling of external hinges with VW-G000603 greasing
      9.1.8. Filling with greasing of the internal tripoidny hinge
      9.1.9. Malfunctions of power shafts
   + 9.2. Back suspension bracket
+ 10. Steering
+ 11. Wheels and tires
+ 12. Brake system
+ 13. Body
+ 14. Electric equipment and electroschemes

9.1.6. CV JOINT filling with VW-G000603 greasing


External hinge, диам. mm
Greasing total
In the hinge
In a protective cover
80 g
40 g
40 g
120 g
80 g
40 g

Internal hinge, диам. mm
Greasing total
In the hinge
In a protective cover
90 g
40 g
50 g
120 g
50 g
70 g